

IVF becomes recommended for women or men who suffer from fertility problems. Some of the most commonly associated fertility problems that might come up for a woman would include:

*Uterus problems that could harm the development at those vital early phases.

*Hormonal limitations that can make it hard to produce good quality eggs.

*Blocked or damaged fallopian tubes that may make natural conception difficult.

*Women who have suffered from and live with Endometriosis.

*Otherwise unexplained or undiagnosed fertility issues.


Men can also have fertility problems, which might include issues such as:

*Low sperm count, meaning that there is not enough sperm produced to be fertile.

*Poor sperm movement, suggesting that nobody wins the ‘sperm race’ during conception.

*Problems with erectile strength or quality, reducing the chances of conception.

*Suffering from azoospermia, reducing your chances of success.

*Physical injury and/or trauma otherwise to the testicles or scrotum.