How to be successful in Vitro Fertilization at first time and what are the chances?

It is one of the most searched questions on the internet because the families going under IVF treatment are skeptical and unsure. How to be successful in Vitro Fertilization at first time and what are the chances?

In a nutshell, IVF is the treatment that offers the highest chance of pregnancy for couples who want a baby but cannot conceive. IVF success rate is expressed in two ways. Live birth or pregnancy rate. Since the pregnancy of every pregnant patient does not result in delivery, the main success is considered as live birth when the baby losses are considered.

This success is also called the baby-to-home rate. In our country and all over the world, the rate of in vitro fertilization live birth is around thirty percent. In other words, one out of every three couples can have a child in the first IVF process. 

How Is The Chance Of Success Determined?

It’s time for a proper answer for those asking; How to be successful in Vitro Fertilization at first time?

Actually, it is known that when success is expressed as pregnancy rate, it is generally inversely proportional to increasing age. As women’s age increases, IVF success decreases. While the chance of success in the first attempt in IVF treatments is 60 percent in young women (under 35 years old), it drops to 20 percent after the age of 40. Because the quality of the egg depends on the age of the woman and the chance of pregnancy decreases after the age of 35.

The main aim in IVF treatment is to catch pregnancy in the first time, but pregnancy is not possible for every woman in the first treatment. When the first treatment is unsuccessful, when the treatment is continued, that is, with new IVF trials, the chance of pregnancy continues to increase relatively. After 3 IVF attempts, 80% of young couples can get pregnant with this treatment.

Factors affecting the chance of success in the first attempt include being overweight, problems in the uterus, hydrosalpinx in the tubes, immune system problems, smoking level, alcohol use, and decreased ovarian reserve. The tests performed before starting the process are very important, especially for the egg reserve in women.

The Effect of Men on Success

For those asking; How to be successful in Vitro Fertilization at first time? should know that the effect of men on success is crucial.

There are also male-related factors that affect the success rate. Immobility of sperm, severe deformities, and absence of sperm in the semen are known as factors that may adversely affect the treatment.

Since the developments in the field of medicine have increased considerably, it becomes easier to take measures regarding some negative factors. If there is a problem with the number of eggs in the woman, an egg pool can be made, and in cases with advanced sperm disorders, different techniques can be used in the laboratory to try to solve the problem. With many methods, problems can be solved, thus increasing the chance of success after the first unsuccessful attempt.

 Experts say that couples with failed IVF treatments should not despair when they fail the first try, and that the chances may be higher in other attempts as conditions can be improved further. It is healthier to have at least one month, if possible, a few months between the two trials in treatment. However, this period may vary depending on the family situation and expert opinion.

Things To Do To Increase The Chances Of Success

There are many factors that need to be considered in order to increase the chance of success in IVF treatments. First of all, attention should be paid to the success rates of the center where the treatment will be performed, and the doctor should be chosen well. Couples should quit smoking and alcohol use months before starting treatment.

This treatment is a team effort and everyone should act in harmony with each other. The patient must be psychologically prepared for the treatment process. He can engage in activities that will reduce his stress, and take regular nature walks. Because being physically and mentally ready increases the chance of success in treatment.