IVF is the treatment that offers the highest chance of pregnancy for couples who want a baby but cannot conceive. The chance of success in IVF treatment is up to 59-60% in couples whose female age is under 30, who don’t have ovarian instability, and who have a quality embryo transfer at the blastocyst stage.
However, especially after the age of 40, it decreases due to the decrease in the number of eggs and the increased risk of unhealthy eggs. Especially at the age of 46 and after, the possibility of live birth is almost non-existent.

What Can Be Done to Increase the Chances of IVF?
- To have a high chance of success after IVF treatment, the doctor should evaluate the couples in detail before the treatment.
- At the same time, you should ensure that there is no hydrosalpinx, which is one of the negative factors that can reduce the chance of success in IVF.
- You should make sure that there is no myoma uteri or endometrial polyp that may reduce the possibility of embryo attachment in the uterus.
- A cracking needle is required at the right time.
- It’s essential that the temperature, humidity and gas ratios are ideal in the laboratory environment.
- Top quality materials are required.
- At the last stage, gentle and proper embryo transfer will increase the chances of success.
Does Lifestyle Have an Effect on IVF Success?
The chance of IVF success decreases when there is a less healthy lifestyle (smoking, obesity or thinness, stress). Therefore, lifestyle directly affects IVF treatment.
Does Being Overweight Reduce IVF Success?
Being overweight and having insulin resistance reduce the chance of getting pregnant in IVF treatment and adversely affect the health of the pregnant mother during pregnancy. This can make pregnancy and childbirth difficult. It would be best if you lost weight to reach the ideal weight.
Does Vitamin D Increase the Chances of IVF Success?
Vitamin D in IVF treatment increases the chance of conception. Supplementing vitamin D deficiency with food and medication will also benefit bone health, healthy pregnancy and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
Does Men Have an Effect on Success in IVF Treatment?
Immobility of sperm, severe deformities or absence of sperm called azoospermia is among the factors that may negatively affect the success of IVF treatment. When there is an advanced disorder in sperm, different techniques used in the laboratory can try to solve the problem, and healthy sperm can be selected.
Why Does IVF Fail?
Failure of one or more IVF attempts is very distressing, devastating and frustrating for couples. One of the most common reasons for a failed IVF treatment is poor embryo quality. Defective and damaged embryos cannot adhere after being transferred to the uterus. Although some embryos may appear healthy in the laboratory, they may have chromosomal abnormalities that prevent them from surviving and attaching to the uterine wall.
Before starting IVF treatment again, the reasons for failure should be investigated. After the problem is determined and corrected, IVF treatment should be applied.
You can contact us immediately to get information about individualized treatment protocols at Gynist IVF Clinic.