What is progynova used for in Ivf? Is it Dangerous?

What is progynova used for in Ivf? Is it dangerous? It is one of the most frequently asked questions of people who have undergone IVF treatment.

CYCLO-PROGYNOVA contains the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen and progestins cause the menstrual cycle to occur by their effects on the uterus.

CYCLO-PROGYNOVA contains the hormones estrogen and progestins. Estrogen and progestins cause the menstrual cycle to occur by their effects on the uterus.

CYCLO-PROGYNOVA provides hormone replacement therapy (HRT; a treatment to bring the depleted hormones in women to pre-menopausal levels) for natural menopause and signs and symptoms of estrogen deficiency due to hormone deficiency, removal of reproductive organs or ovarian failure in women who have not had their womb removed.


How long should Cyclo Progynova be used?

Each box provides 21 days of treatment. A new box of CYCLO-PROGYNOVA should be started on the day of the previous week, following the 7-day tablet-free period. It does not matter what time of day the patient takes the tablet, but once a certain time has been chosen, it should be taken at the same time each day.


How does Progynova make you feel?

You may experience breakthrough bleeding. You may begin to feel the usual symptoms of menopause again, which may include hot flushes, trouble sleeping, nervousness, dizziness or vaginal dryness. Consult your doctor or pharmacist if you want to stop taking Progynova tablets.


Is Cyclo Progynova a menstrual cramp?

Estrogen and progesterone hormones found in Cyclo-Progynova are hormones that enable the menstrual cycle to occur. In this way, it can be used for menstrual irregularity in cases such as menstrual irregularity.


Gynist IVF Clinic – IVF Turkey, infertilite, Egg Freezing

Address: Vali Konağı Cd. No:129,Meşrutiyet,34363 Şişli/İstanbul Floor 5 13, 34365 Şişli/İstanbul

  • www.gynistivfclinic.com
  • +90 533 141 86 41
  • info@gynistivfclinic.com